
Battle of the Systems: PC or Console


     Its been a while since my last post so I’ve decided to change it up a little, and instead of comparing some gaming system or deciding which game out there is the best I’ve decided to ask an open ended question instead. Would you rather game with a PC or the latest console? I’m just going to come out and say that 70% of the time I’m gaming I’m doing it on a PC so I do side with that when it comes to most things. I’m not saying I don’t like gaming on consoles, I’m just saying I like PC just a little better. If you’re not sure which you’d rather do or you just don’t see the deference then keep reading.

     I found this information graph on MaximumPC.com and I think it explains things quite nicely.Image


I know what you’re thinking. Of coarse a website called “Maximum PC” would stand up for PC gamers but the Info Graph make since no matter where you find it. As you can see in the info graph everything on PC is upgrade-able, and even without the upgrade it still beats out more systems. Now lets talk about pricing.Image     Okay so what you see here is the price of a Alienware gaming tower, and Xbox One, and a PS4. All the prices are off from BestBuy.com. The Alienware tower is the Alienware X51. It comes with 8 Gigs of memory, 1TB Hard Drive, Power cord, multimedia keyboard, optical mouse, Dell Stage, Alienware Command Center, and of coarse the owners manual. The tower comes ready to game and everything on it is completely upgradable. For more information on the tower CLICK HERE. Next is the Xbox One which comes with 500 Gigs of storage, a HDMI cable, Xbox Kinect, one paddle, and the system itself. For more information on the Xbox One CLICK HERE. Last but no least the Playstation 4. The PS4 comes with 2 DualShock wireless controllers, 500 Gigs of memory the system it self and the necessary cords. If you would like to know more about the PS4 CLICK HERE.     

     Yes the PC price is so much more but if you think about it it’s a no brainier. If you buy a PC you wouldn’t ever have to buy another gaming system again, all you would have to do is upgrade which costs way less than buying a new system every other year. However in the end it is your choice of preference and what YOU want. Gaming will be gaming no matter how you do it! Thanks for reading!  

A Little About Myself

    Okay, I just want to take a little time to tell everyone about myself. Anyways hello, my name is Kyle I am 20 years old and I am from western New York. I do have to say “western New York” because if I don’t and say just “I’m from New York” then everyone assumes I’m from New York City which I am not. I have been to New York City a handful of times but I am from the Buffalo area. I am currently attending my first actual year of college (on a college campus) I am studying Computer Information Systems but I might switch over to Business. I have no clue what I want to do in the future but who the hell does right? Okay now that all the stupid stuff is out of the way lets talk important things.. Video Games! If you were to ask me If I’d prefer Xbox or Playstation I’d most likely tell you Xbox. My first video game system was a red Nintendo 64 and my first game was Super Mario 64. My favorite genre of video game is defiantly any kind of racing game. I’ve beaten every Need for Speed game every made they are defiantly my favorite series. I’m not saying I dont play other kinds of video games I’m just sating they are my favorite. My over all favorite video game so far is defiantly Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed. I just like the realism and how the cars handle.

     Anyways, I have quite a bit of views on this blog page (way more than I ever thought I’d get) and I just want to tell you guys that I do appreciate every single on of and that even if writing a post meant that only one person would read it I’d still do it. Thank you for your I will be putting up a review on Need for Speed: Rivals tomorrow. Log on to check it out!          

PS4 or Xbox One

     Okay, so the big question at this point in time for gamers that are trying to stay up to date is Xbox One or Playstation 4. I know that I’ve done previous blog posts comparing Sony and Microsoft. This post has nothing to do with the companies just the systems. If you can afford it then I do recommend going out and buying a new system. Its always great staying up to date. I however currently can’t so this all is purely of reviews and information online, I do not own neither system. Speaking of price lets get started with that. The Xbox One surprisingly is a bit more pricier than the PS4 considering it’s usually the other way around. The Xbox One currently retails for $499.99 while the PS4 retails for $399.99 (Via Bestbuy.com) Okay so now that we got the price out of the way lets talk performance. Both systems run a 64 bit AMD Jaguar CPU. The Xbox One clocks in at 1.75 GHZ while the PS4 clocks in at 1.6 GHZ. Both systems do play Blueray discs, however the Xbox One can play can play audio cds while the PS4 cannon’t. It isn’t all bad for the PS4 it does produce higher graphics than the Xbox One.

     So in the end I guess its really up to your preference. Yes the Xbox One will take a little bit more out of your pocket but you are getting more for it. With the PS4 you’ll save a couple of bucks and you are getting better graphics. Its completely up to you!


Among the Sleep Review


     So a while back my girlfriends friend showed me a first person PC game called Among the Sleep. So I ended up downloading the beta version and.. It is fucken amazing. Among the Sleep is a horror game that’s coming out this year sometime, so it is currently in beta. In Among the Sleep you play as a small child whom is investigating his or her mother and fathers strange disappearance.  

     In the beginning of the game your mother is putting you to sleep in your crib then you fall asleep and you’re suddenly awoken by some noises and some shit moving by it self, your crib then falls over and you’re free to roam as you please. While roaming you can do just about anything you want. After wandering around the house for a bit you come upon the laundry room where you hear yelling coming from the washer. Fucked up right? it gets better! You open the washer to find you’re talking teddy bear who now accompanies you going around the house, and it gets so much better. That is all I’m going to tell you, you’ll have to buy the game when it comes out or download the beta (which will be linked below). Also the teaser video is linked below, I defiantly recommend watching! 

Among the Sleep Teaser Video

Among the Sleep Alpha Download


Wii Motion Plus vs. Xbox 360 Kinect

At first sight you would say hands down that the Xbox 360 Kinect wins, right? However which one is the most beneficial? Yes you can go online and buy a new Kinect for your 360 for about $99.99 (amazon.com) However you can also go online and buy a Wii Motion Plus attachment for only $6.99 (also amazon.com) so there is a significant price difference. So the next question is what kinds of games can you play with the attachments? For the original Wii there are 33 games that are compatible with Wii Motion Plus, so how many for Kinect? There are currently 127 games that are compatible with your Xbox 360 Kinect, and 2 more that have not been released yet. I don’t know about you but that price is starting to look pretty worth it. So what are you look at performance wise? well, there are those of us who just want to sit down and relax while gaming if that’s you then you’re probably better off with the Wii Motion Plus, the Wii Motion Plus has absolutely not way of tracking your body movements the only thing it tracks is the movements of the sensors in the controller. The Kinect is a whole different story. It has millions of tracking sensors that detect and track 48 different points on each player’s body and repeats 30 times every second.

So if you were one of those people that said in the beginning that the Kinect wins then you were absolutely right. You have triple the games, and you actually get off your ass and do something. Yes the Kinect is quite a bit more, but if you think about it you’re getting a lot more by buying a connect, and it is worth every penny. The winner? Kinect by a long shot.


My Minecraft World

     Okay, I wouldn’t consider my self a “professional” at Minecraft, but I have logged 6.76 days on my Minecraft world since I got my laptop for Christmas in 2012. My time being on has dwindled since I started college last fall which is slightly upsetting because I do have quite a city started. I mean compared to some of the Minecraft cities I’ve seen online mine looks like speck, but I still think its pretty cool. Here let me show you.

     Okay this is the first building I EVER built on Minecraft. No one ever showed me how to do anything, I learned it all on my own.


     Soon after finishing this building I decided that I wanted to make my own Minecraft city. So I set out and completely flattened the near by hills making way for more buildings and such things, and about a month after I ended up with what started to look like a sky line, and 197,897 blocks later I ended up with this.


     Well, after finishing the skyline I decided to go a little more in depth and add a baseball field,  hockey stadium, race track, and even an airport.


Thanks for reading about my Minecraft city, I really do appreciate everyone that reads it, it means a lot to me!

If anyone has any suggestions on what I should build next just let me know, I’m always in need of new ideas!   

The best video game of 2013

There were SO many good games that came along in 2013 so it was really hard to limit them down to just 4, but the top 4 games I think were the best were Battlefield 4, Call of Duty Ghosts, Assassins Creed: Black Flag, and GTA 5.


4) So I did personally rank Assassins Creed in the 4th position for 2013. I didn’t log to much game time on it but I did do enough to know that it is an amazing game and that it lives up to  the Assassins Creed franchise. The graphics are amazing and the story line is truly unique. I do give the game 4 out of 5 stars, however it just couldn’t top the other 3 games on the list.


3) Coming in at number three on the list Call of Duty Ghosts. Call of Duty Ghosts is the 10th installment of the Call of Duty family. I personally think that Ghosts gives an all new twist on the game series, however I feel as if producing the same game 10 times might get old after a while. However I do give this game 3 out of 5 stars, the only reason it made it on this list is for its online game play.


2) Coming in at a near first place is the famous Grand Theft Auto 5. I can think of so many words to describe this game but the best word would be unique. In GTA 5 you not only cant play as one character but 3 and don’t even get me started on the mere size of the map. I’m giving this game a solid 5 out of 5 stars. Very well done!


1) By now i think you’ve figured out that coming in at first place for the best game of 2013 is Battlefield 4. The graphics on this game are breath taking, and the action sequences are one of a kind. Sure the story line is a bit cliche but soon’s you start playing you wont wan’t to put the paddle down. I also give this game a VERY solid 5 out of 5 stars.


Mario vs. Master Chief vs. Desmond Miles

I cannot even express how awesome this fight would be if it ever happened I mean, the classic hero Mario against Halos Master Chief with Assassins Creeds Desmond Miles. One word.. EPIC! but who would win? Yes my generation grew up with Mario and he will always be one of the first heroes of his kind, but seriously growing and shrinking will not help him against Chiefs gun power or Desmond’s stealthiness. So I do hate to say it but I think we can just count Mario out of the picture. So now’s the hard choice.. Master Chief or Desmond Miles? The choice is completely up to you.


Sony vs. Microsoft

     Lately I’ve been playing a high amount of video games. Just out of pure boredom, and I’ve always seen posts online that compare the “big name systems” aka Xbox and PlayStation. Peoples opinions range because of wide range of things from online experience, graphics, and games. So I thought’d it’d be rather appropriate to give my opinion on the matter just because.

     Let me just start out by saying that I’ve actively played both systems so none of this should see bias of anything, and if it does I do apologize.. So both systems do have there perks. With PlayStation you do have free online and some games come only on Xbox (Halo, Ace Combat. Ect) Graphics wise I don’t see what all the fuss is about. They look exactly the same to me. I have noticed that Playstations do tend to freeze when played for too long, unlike Xbox which I can play for hours with no problem.

     All in all I’m an Xbox type of person. I’ve owned one since the original came out way back, and free online or not its going to stay that way.     


How much is to much?

                               The amount of stress put on teenagers these days is higher than its ever been, teenagers are just expected to know what they want to do with there life right off the bat. One minute there in high school asking for permission to go use the rest room the next they’re having to choose what they want to do for the rest of there lives. I mean common people give us a little break we’re just human as you. Not only are you expecting me to pay thousands of dollars for classes, you’re expecting me to pay hundreds of dollars for the books to take to the classes I’m also paying for. Then you throw me out into a work force that you can barely find a steady job in. By finals week Mcdonolds isn’t sounding like to bad of a profession.   Choices for college is just at the top of the list. You also have the pressure on girls to be “perfect” as in skinny and beautiful. I don’t know about the rest of the population but I don’t like to date girls that look like skeletons. I do understand that America has a obesity problem but you’re pushing girls that aren’t obiste to think that they are sometimes.. CURVES ARE GOOD!

While we’re on the subject lets talk about something that stress leads to. No i’m not talking about eating. I’m talking about suicide. If you take a look at the graph I so nicely took from PBS(source will be at the bottom) You can see the rising suicide rate and the method.


If you can’t read that then I do apologize the source is at the bottom of the page feel free to check it out. The point I’m trying to make is not that I support suicide or that its the easy way out its that people are becoming more and more stressed and that it COULD be a resulting in suicide. Thanks for your time. Feel free to leave any comments, or you can check us out on Twitter @LiteralTabloid or on Facebook: The Literal Tabloid

Source: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2013/05/chart-americas-rising-suicide-problem.html