Wii Motion Plus vs. Xbox 360 Kinect

At first sight you would say hands down that the Xbox 360 Kinect wins, right? However which one is the most beneficial? Yes you can go online and buy a new Kinect for your 360 for about $99.99 (amazon.com) However you can also go online and buy a Wii Motion Plus attachment for only $6.99 (also amazon.com) so there is a significant price difference. So the next question is what kinds of games can you play with the attachments? For the original Wii there are 33 games that are compatible with Wii Motion Plus, so how many for Kinect? There are currently 127 games that are compatible with your Xbox 360 Kinect, and 2 more that have not been released yet. I don’t know about you but that price is starting to look pretty worth it. So what are you look at performance wise? well, there are those of us who just want to sit down and relax while gaming if that’s you then you’re probably better off with the Wii Motion Plus, the Wii Motion Plus has absolutely not way of tracking your body movements the only thing it tracks is the movements of the sensors in the controller. The Kinect is a whole different story. It has millions of tracking sensors that detect and track 48 different points on each player’s body and repeats 30 times every second.

So if you were one of those people that said in the beginning that the Kinect wins then you were absolutely right. You have triple the games, and you actually get off your ass and do something. Yes the Kinect is quite a bit more, but if you think about it you’re getting a lot more by buying a connect, and it is worth every penny. The winner? Kinect by a long shot.


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